IKU211 Sport and development in practice  (10 ECTS) 

Course facts

Course code
Course title
Sport and development in practice
Course language
Academic responsible
Åse Strandbu


The goal of the course is to reflect on their students’ experiences from the first half of their internship/volunteer placement in Southern Africa. Observations and practical knowledge gained from the placement will prepare the student to reflect on data collection, note-taking, report writing and the sports for development literature. Reference to the Sport and Development course (IKU201) regarding project writing is vital for this course.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course, the student should be able to

  • reflect on local conditions and its effect on delivering sport and physical education activities.
  • document practical knowledge of sports for development and peace programs.
  • critically assess sport for development (SDP) initiatives and practices in the light of the SDP literature.

Learning styles and activities

The student will be guided by the teachers through online follow-ups and interactions. The student will write an assignment based on their volunteer experiences with local organizations from southern Africa. Observing, reflecting, and participating in the organized training sessions and programs in the local communities are key to the writing of the course assignment.

Mandatory assignment

A regular visit to CANVAS to follow the course instructions. CANVAS performs an automatic check of the visits. It also contains all the assignments, learning materials, and presentations by teachers. 

Students must take notes and be active in the organized training sessions and programs.


Assignment. Gradeing from A-F.

  • Should not exceed 7000 words. 

The exam will be delivered in WISEflow and run through plagiarism control.