Image of Kristin Vindhol Evensen

Kristin Vindhol Evensen

Norwegian version of this page Department of Teacher Education and Outdoor Studies
Associate Professor
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Qualitative methods, phenomenology of perception, phenomenology of practice, embodiment, queer-theory, crip-theory, disability studies, intellectual disabilities, severe and multiple disabilities



Pedagogy, inclusive physical education, supervision for bachelor- and master thesis, physical education and sports for persons with disabilities, perspectives on disabilities and interaction, embodied learning


Short biography

Kristin Vindhol Evensen in an assoicate professor at the Department of Teacher Education and Outdoor Studies.

Evensen is a kindergarden teacher from Oslo Meteropolitan University, has a minor degree in adapted physical activity from the Norwegian school of sport sciences, a masters degree in special needs education from the University of Oslo and a PhD in sport sciences from the Norwegian school of sport sciences. Evensen has alternated between practical pedagogical work in schools and kindergardens and higher education, and have special interest in how body and movement are foundational for communication when persons have intellectual disabilities. Her professional fundament builds on acknowledging that subjective movements are foundational when humans relate to each other.  



  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2023). The Rights of the Child When Symbolic Language is Out of Reach. In Beckett, Angharad & Callus, Anne-Marie (Ed.), The Routledge international handbook of children's rights and disability. Routledge. ISSN 9780367521530. p. 265–280.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2023). Spesialpedagogikk og kropper i bevegelse, Bevegelsesfellesskap i oppveksten : kritiske perspektiver på inkludering og mangfold. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 9788245041415. p. 347–363. doi: 10.55669/oa230118.
  • Bentzen, Marte & Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2021). “I bow down in awe of them…”: Sports awards for Paralympic athletes and Olympic athletes. Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum. ISSN 2000-088X. 12, p. 59–84. Full text in Research Archive
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2021). Children with Severe, Multiple Disabilities. In Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen & Borgen, Jorunn Spord (Ed.), Childhood Cultures in Transformation 30 Years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Action towards Sustainability . Brill|Sense. ISSN 978-90-04-44566-6. p. 54–73. doi: 10.1163/9789004445666_004.
  • Bjorbærkmo, Wenche Schrøder; Evensen, Kristin Vindhol; Groven, Karen Synne; Rugseth, Gro & Standal, Øyvind Førland (2018). Phenomenology of Professional Practices in Education and Health Care: An Empirical Investigation. Phenomenology & Practice. ISSN 1913-4711. 12(1), p. 18–30. doi: 10.29173/pandpr29355. Full text in Research Archive
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol; Ytterhus, Borgunn & Standal, Øyvind Førland (2017). “He is not crying for real”: severe, multiple disabilities and embodied constraint in two special-needs education units. Society, Health & Vulnerability. ISSN 2002-1518. 8(1). doi: 10.1080/20021518.2017.1387474. Full text in Research Archive
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol & Standal, Øyvind Førland (2017). “I Guess that the Greatest Freedom ...”: A Phenomenology of Spaces and Severe Multiple Disabilities . Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology. ISSN 2079-7222. 17(2). doi: 10.1080/20797222.2017.1356628. Full text in Research Archive
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol; Standal, Øyvind Førland & Ytterhus, Borgunn (2017). Golden Paper, a Chain and a Bag: A Phenomenology of Queer Things in a Special Needs Education Unit. Phenomenology & Practice. ISSN 1913-4711. 11(2), p. 60–69. doi: 10.29173/pandpr29351. Full text in Research Archive

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  • Wilhelmsen, Terese; Berg, Ellen; Evensen, Kristin Vindhol; Solstad, Gerd Marie & Thorjussen, Ingfrid M. (2023). Bevegelsesfellesskap i oppveksten : kritiske perspektiver på inkludering og mangfold. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 9788245041415. 413 p.

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  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol & Berg, Ellen (2022). Kakao og kveldsmat smaker best etter trening. Er verkeleg idrett betre enn andre fritidsaktivitetar?
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol & Berg, Ellen (2022). Idrett er ikkje betre enn andre fritidsaktivitetar. Bergens Tidende, Debattsider.
  • Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen; Borgen, Jorunn Spord; Oropilla, Czarecah Tuppil; Pesch, Anja Maria; Grindheim, Liv Torunn & Wergedahl, Hege [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2021). Book Launch - Celebrating 'Childhood Cultures in Transformation - 30 Years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Action towards Sustainability'.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol & Bentzen, Marte (2020). Idrettsgallaen som inspirasjonsporno.
  • Bentzen, Marte & Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2019). I'm bending in the dust. An analyses of the Norwegian Sports Awards .
  • Bentzen, Marte & Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2018). Paraidretten på Galla.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2018). Kropp, bevegelse og kompleks, alvorlig funksjonshemming.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2018). Kropp, bevegelse og kompleks, alvorlig funksjonshemming.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2018). Kroppens fenomenologi – en løfterik tilnærming til før-symbolske perspektiver?
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2017). Gymmen er for alle.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2017). Barn med multifunksjonshemming som forskningsdeltakere: Hvorfor, hvordan, hva og hva nå?
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2017). Hvordan vises kroppslig mening når elever med multifunksjonshemming utfolder seg aktivt i rom?
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol & Bentzen, Marte (2017). Gå nært for å se det større? Perspektiver og spennvidde innen forskning om funksjonshemming (Key-note).
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2017). What is the pedagogical meaning of active spatiality of situations when students have severe, multiple disabilities?
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2016). Students with severe, multiple Impairments and embodied Meaning A Phenomenological Study of Everyday Life in a special needs Education Unit.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2016). Han gråter ikke ordentlig. Multifunksjonshemming og kroppslig mening.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2016). Vekselvirkning.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2016). Bevegelse på egne premisser. Mennesker med utviklingshemming - i bevegelse.
  • Standal, Øyvind Førland & Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2015). Håndbok. Bevegelsesgruppe for barn og unge med autisme.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2015). Elever med multifunksjonshemming – pedagogisk subjekt eller medisinsk objekt i kroppsøvingsfaget?
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2015). What interactions between students and teachers promote embodied learning of students with multiple disability?
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2014). Elever med utviklingshemning i kroppsøvingsfaget – en innholdsanalyse.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2014). Students with intellectual disabilities and their experiences in physical education- a preliminary presentation of a qualitative study.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2013). Et case-studie av elever med utviklingshemning og deres erfaringer av deltagelse i kroppsøving.
  • Evensen, Kristin Vindhol (2018). Give me a thousand gestures. Embodied meaning and severe, multiple disabilities in segregated special needs education. Norges idrettshøgskole. ISSN 978-82-502-0547-5.

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Published Oct. 17, 2023 1:11 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2024 1:38 PM