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Sedentary behaviour and cardiometabolic risk factors

Sedentary time is increasing among the population and an adult person sits on average 70% of the daytime. Based on research, sedentary behavior is considered an independent risk factor for disease morbidity and mortality.


Our primary aims are to investigate the effects of breaking up sedentary time on blood pressure and postprandial  glucose- and lipid metabolism, and thus examine whether pattern for sedentary bouts and breaks and physical activity intensity during sedentary breaks matter with regards to cardiometabolic risk factors, Specifically, the aims of the PhD-project are to provide knowledge on the following questions:

  • How does pattern of accumulation of sedentary bouts and breaks influence blood pressure, glucose- and lipid metabolism?
  • Do different physical activity intensities during sedentary breaks have different acute effects on blood pressure, glucose- and lipid metabolism, when pattern of accumulation and energy expenditure is the same?

Project description

We humans spend increasing amounts of time sitting and an adult person will on average spend 70% of their day sitting. Every behaviour that entails sitting, lying and reclining belongs under the umbrella term: sedentary behaviour.

Based on epidemiologic and experimental research emerging during the last decade, sedentary behaviour is now recognized as an independent risk factor for chronic disease morbidity and mortality. National and international health authorities therefore recommend that you limit sedentary behaviour. From a biological perspective, a possible explanation for the deteriorating effects sedentary has on human health are the acute effects of such behaviour on cardiometabolic risk factors and vascular function.

There is a need for increased knowledge regarding different strategies for interrupting and limiting sedentary behaviour and how it impacts the human body, in order for public health authorities, health workers and practitioners to provide quantifiable and concrete advice to the general public, patients and users. In addition, further knowledge on the possible mechanisms that mediate effects of different strategies for interrupting sedentary behaviour is also called for.

The project will consist of a meta-analysis and systematic review, and a series of quantitative, experimental studies. The Meta-analysis aims to provide an informed foundation for further use of the scientific models and details for the experimental studies that will follow.

Project owner

Norwegian School of Sport Sciences


Melina Magulas Meyer (PhD student)


Published Oct. 20, 2023 10:40 AM - Last modified Oct. 20, 2023 11:30 AM