Norwegian version of this page

Experience-based qualification (realkompetanse)

If you do not meet the general entrance requirements, but are or turn 25 years old within the current admission year, as well as have experience or education relevant for the studies you are applying to, you can apply to our study programs on the basis of experience-based qualification (realkompetanse). 

Published Jan. 18, 2024 1:44 PM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2024 12:30 PM

Application deadline: March 1 (Samordna opptak)

You must register your application in the Samordna opptak platform and choose "realkompetanse" as your education background within March 1 at the very latest. You must upload all of your documentation on your education and experience, as well as NIH's statement form, within the deadline given by Samordna opptak. Read about experience-based qualification here

Requirements for applicants with experience-based qualifications at NIH

In order to have your application assessed on the basis of experience-based qualifications (realkompetanse), you must:

  • Not meet general entrance requirements (generell studiekompetanse) or have previously been granted exemption from this requirement. 
  • Turn or be 25 years or older within the admission year.
  • Document minimum 5 years of experience relevant for the study program you are applying to (converted to full-time). Up to 2 out of 5 years can be documented with relevant education on high school level, or relevant specializations from Norwegian folk high school (folkehøgskole). General studies/specialized study programs (allmennfag/studiespesialisering) are always considered as relevant.
  • Document a certain level in Norwegian (112 hours from high school) or other Scandinavian language. The subject must be passed with a grade 2 or higher. 
  • Document a certain level in English (140 hours from Norwegian high school). The subject must be passed with a grade 2 or higher. 
  • Applicants whose first language is not from a Scandinavian country must document their skills in English and Norwegian in accordance with Norwegian prescript on admissions to higher education §2-2
  • Upload the filled out form (Word-format) for NIH's applicants applying on the basis of experience-based qualifications. The form must contain detailed descriptions and explanations of your knowledge, competences and motivation for the study program you are applying to. 

Relevant experience

You must upload documentation on 5 years of experience and/or education. Minimum 3 of these 5 years must be relevant for the study program at NIH you are applying to. Hence, it is important that before applying you familiarize yourself with the program structure for the study program you are interested in, as well as assess yourself if your work experience can be relevant for it. This means that a given type of education or experience might be relevant for one study program, but not the others. Read about our requirements for documentation on relevant experience and education here. 

Sensitive information

Documentation that contains sensitive information must not be uploaded to your application, but sent physically to NIH via postal service. Your application ID number must be included on all the documents you are sending. Send to:

Norges idrettshøgskole
"Admissions office"
Postboks 4014 Ullevål Stadion
0806 Oslo

Admission application

Incomplete applications and applications submitted after the deadline will be assessed in a standard way on the basis of general entrance requirements. If you have chosen experience-based qualification (realkompetanse) and have/will acquire qualifications that meet general entrance requirements, your application will also be processed together with other ordinary applications. 

It is important to note that even if your experience-based qualifications are accepted, it does not automatically mean that you will be granted admission to your desired study program. If there are more qualified applicants than the capacity of the study program, all the "realkompetanse"-applicants will be ranked together with all other applicants on the basis of individual assessment. Factors taken into consideration for such an assessment are, for example, the relevance and extent of your experience for the study program you are applying to.


Admissions office

Telephone: +47 2326 2030
Tuesday to Thursday, 12-14 pm
February 15 to August 31