Nomination and application information

Information on how partner institutions nominate students, and how students complete the application process. See the guide for all the steps in the process to becoming an NIH exchange/online student.

Nomination Procedures

Image may contain: Computer, Personal computer, Netbook, Laptop, Touchpad.

International coordinators at partner institutions must nominate their students for exchange/ study abroad. NIH uses an online portal for nomination of exchange students. Read more about the nomination procedures for our partners here. 

Application Procedures

Image may contain: Dress shirt, Tartan, Gesture, Finger, Eyewear.

NIH uses an online application portal for exchange students coming to NIH. Here you can find all the information you need about how to apply for exchange at NIH. 

International Partners

The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences has formal cooperation with many universities around the world. See the list of our international partners here. 

Learning Agreement Information for Partners

Erasmus+ Learning Agreement

Students coming via the Erasmus+ program to NIH must complete the Online Learning Agreement (OLA), which is a part of the Erasmus Without Papers (EWP) project. Read here about how to correctly fill out your OLA.