Step by step procedure

There are many steps in the process of becoming a student at NIH. Below you can see all the different steps that must be completed by the home university, the student, and NIH.

By International office
Published Jan. 5, 2024 8:05 AM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2024 8:40 AM


All students from our partner universities wishing to take courses at NIH must be nominated by their university. Contact your International office if you are interested in taking courses at NIH.


You receive email with information

When you are nominated by your home university, you will receive an automated email to the address registered in your nomination. The email contains information regarding deadlines, how to access the application portal, and login credentials.

Complete the application in Søknadsweb

In the email you receive you find information on how to access the application portal, Søknadsweb.

You must follow and complete all steps of the application process. This must be completed within the given deadline. If you do not complete your application, your application will not be considered for admission.

You can find an application guide on the NIH website.

If it important to remember to register your complete mailing address under "My profile", and add your mobile number. Without this, your application will not be considered as complete, even if you have done all the other steps.

Review of your application

NIH will review your application

NIH will review your application to make sure that you have completed your application and uploaded the necessary documents. NIH will also check your mailing address and mobile number that you have registered under "My profile" in your application.

Offer of admission

Once your application is reviewed, and you are found qualified for admission, NIH will send out an offer of admission. You will receive this shortly after the deadline to complete your application.

The offer of admission email will be sent from It is important you mark this email address as safe, so it does not end up in your spam filter.

Email with offer of admission

Applicants that complete all steps in the application process will receive an email with an offer of admission. If you receive an email with an offer of admission, you must accept/decline this offer by the given deadline, as written in the email. If you fail to do so, you will lose your offer of admission and will not be able to take courses at NIH.

Once you have accepted the offer

Student status at NIH

Once the deadline to accept/decline your offer has passed, NIH will begin the process to register you as a student in your student database. NIH will send out an email when you are registered as a student, which includes more information of the steps you must complete to be an active student.

NIH only creates your active student status, and not registration for your course(s) and exam(s). It is the responsbility of the student to complete the registration for course(s) and exam(s) within the deadline given.

Activate your student account

After receiving an email that you have an active student status at NIH, an SMS is sent to your mobile phone (the number you registered in the application portal) within 48 hours. The SMS will contain your NIH username and NIH student ID number.

Follow the information and link in the SMS to activate your student account.

Choose "New user"

If you do not activate your account, you will not have access to any of the NIH systems.


Once you have activated your student account, and waited up to three hours (for your password to be activated), you must complete your course and exam registration process in Studentweb. This is the online student portal, and this process must be completed for every semester you take courses at NIH.

You sign in using your username and password. Choose login method "Feide".

How to complete the semester registration

Make sure to complete the semester registration by the given deadline. If you fail to do so, you lose your student status at NIH and will no longer be a student at NIH. More information is sent in an email.


Once you have completed the semester registration in Studentweb, you should access Canvas. Canvas is the e-learning platform NIH uses. All courses have their own course page, where information regarding the course is posted and assignments are published.

Once the course page is published, you will gain access to it. Course pages should be up and running by the beginning of the semester (August or January). You can see all course materials and modules for a specific course on the course page.

Follow the guide on how to change the language settings and where to find your courses.

Other resources

For students

Access the page for students at NIH, where you can find information regarding topics such as IT support, Counselling, etc.


Wiseflow is the online examination system NIH uses. Your final exam for your courses must be submitted via this system.

You can find more information regarding Wiseflow under our Exam and counselling pages. Prior to every exam you will receive an email from the examination office that your "flow" (exam) is open and you can access it via the system. Once the exam opens, you will find the actual exam there.

When you have completed your exam, you must upload the document (must be a .pdf file) in Wiseflow. Requirements for the document is available under "Submission of Home Exams".

Normally the exam periods are during the following months:

  • Fall semester courses (August to December): November/December
  • Spring semester courses (January to June): April/May

Explanation and appeal of grades

Library resources

As a student at NIH you have full access to the library resources available.


The Norwegian government created an online portal (Vitnemålsportalen) where all grades from courses completed in Norway is available for students, partly as a measure so that the students can share their results with their home universities. The transcripts have a digital signature. This digitally signed transcript is a valid transcript, that can be verified for its authenticity by clicking on the stamp/signature on the bottom of the page.

Due to GDPR regulations, NIH has ceased the practice of sending transcripts via post or e-mail to institutions. Students must download the transcript themselves and share it with their own institution.

You must dowload you transcipt prior to the expiration of your active student status. You can find the date of this in Studentweb. It is normally about two (2) months after the end of the semester.

Contact us

International office
