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Defense: The darker side of youth sports

What influences unhealthy health choices among ambitious sports youth? Research Fellow Jan Åge Kristensen has investigated what lies behind when young athletes at elite sports high schools use dietary supplements and push their bodies to train and compete with injuries and illness.

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Abuse of painkillers, dietary supplements, doping and continued participation despite injury are all examples of unhealthy health choices that occur in youth sports. An increasing focus on performance and expectations from the environment to achieve good sporting results are possible explanations for why young athletes are willing to take chances and put their health at risk in pursuit of performance.

The aim of the doctoral project is to uncover various psychosocial risk and protective factors capable of influencing young athletes' unhealthy health choices in sports. Examples of these are the use of painkillers, dietary supplements, doping and continued participation in training and competition despite injury. The project is anchored in a social-cognitive theoretical framework in which we explored a number of protective and risk-promoting personal and contextual factors associated with unhealthy health choices.


10.15-11:00: Trial lecture: Opportunities, limitations and responsibilities in promoting and protecting the health of young competitive/talented athletes

13:00-16:00: Disputation over the thesis: "The dark side of youth sports: Unhealthy health choices among young athletes"


Professor Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NIH), chairperson

Professor Andrea Petroczi, Kingston University London, 1st opponent

Professor Jochen Mayer, Department of Sport and Movement, Schwabisch Gmund University of Education, 2nd opponent


Main supervisor: Yngvar Ommundsen, professor at the Institute of Sports and Social Science

Co-supervisor: Frank Abrahamsen, associate professor at the Institute of Sports and Social Science.

Practical information

The dispute is open to the public and will also be streamed on YouTube.

Tags: Institutt for idrett og samfunnsvitenskap
Published Feb. 23, 2024 12:25 PM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2024 12:28 PM