Overview courses taught in english 
Programme of study
Overview courses taught in english
Course codeCourse titleECTSTeaching semesterAcademic responsibility
SPM325Sporting events10 ECTSFallBerit Skirstad
SPM326Volunteerism in sport10 ECTSFallØrnulf Seippel
English-taught courses offered at the Bachelor's level
Course codeCourse titleAssessment
SPM321Organization of International Sports

An individual oral exam (50 %), an essay (five pages, 30 %) and weekly reviews (20 %) will be graded A-F. The reviews must be passed before the students can take the oral exam.

Norwegian students can write the essay and the reviews, and take the oral exam in Norwegian. Guidelines for how to write the essay and reviews are handed out in the first lecture.

All papers must be submitted via Fronter and will be run through ePhorus for plagiarism control.

Recourses/materials which may be used in the oral exam: none

SPM325Sporting events

A written exam (4 hours), graded A-F. Included is also an essay/report (2000 words) after the Oslo Marathon. Norwegian students can do the exam and the essay in Norwegian.

SPM326Volunteerism in sportEssay (5 pages) on a given topic (40%), Individual oral exam, graded (60%). Norwegian students can write the essay and take the oral exam in Norwegian.
EXFLL1Philosophy and Practice

Full participation in scheduled outdoor activities in this course is mandatory. To be considered to have completed the course, students must also attend and participate fully in at least 80% of lectures and other class sessions.

Students must submit an individual written essay of a maximum of 6000 words, exclusive table of content, reference list and attachments. The topic is given by the teaching staff. All sources must be accurately cited and referenced using APA format 5th edition (see www.nih.no). The essay is graded A-F.

All papers submitted via Fronter will be run through Ephorus for plagiarism control.


EXFLL2Experiential Learning in 'Natural' Landscapes

Full participation in scheduled outdoor activities in this course is mandatory. To be considered to have completed the course, students must also attend and participate fully in at least 80% of lectures and other class sessions.

Each student must submit a thre-part journal of self-reflection on: their experiences of learning during the exchange programme; experiential learning theory; and literature relevant to the course. In total, the journal should not exceed a maximum of 6000 words, exclusive table of content, reference list and attachments. All sources must be accurately cited and referenced using the APA format 5th edition (cf. www.nih.no). The dates for handing in each part of the journal will be provided at the beginning of the course. The report is graded A-F.

All journals must be submitted in paper and via Fronter and will be run through Ephorus for plagiarism control.


EXFLL3Comparative Research Project

Students must submit a written research report (e.g. in the form of an article) of a maximum of 6000 words, exclusive table of content, reference list and attachments. All sources must be accurately cited and referenced using APA format 5th edition (cf. www.nih.no). The report is graded A-F.

All papers submitted via Fronter will be run through Ephorus for plagiarism control.


FAH325Physical Activity and Seniors

3-hour written examination (no aids allowed). Grading:  A-F.

FAH348Personal Trainer

The students must attend a minimum of 80% of the practical training sessions.

The students are graded on their individual practical examinations from A to F.
The examination process:

  • Design a written workout plan based on given cases. To be handed in one week prior to the practical examination.
  • Practical examination (25 minutes); Conducting a PT session based on the workout plan.
  • Oral examination of the practical session (25 minutes).

TCI250Sports Psycology 1 - Motivational processes in sport and physical activity

Individual written projects - Pass/fail. Students choose the projects, and the written responses have a limit of 1800 words (approximately 5 pages with one and half line spacing).

All papers submitted via Fronter will be run through Ephorus for plagiarism control.

Individual written exam - Graded 2 hours.

Recourses/materials which may be used in the exam: None


UTV EssayEssay for bachelor students

Individual written essay of a maximum of 6000 words, in addition to table of contents, reference list and possible attachments. The essay will be graded A-F.

English-taught courses offered at the Master's level
Course codeCourse titleAssessment
MA401Psychology of sport and physical activity
  • Group assignment written outline with oral presentation during course (approved/not approved)
  • Final examination: One-week individually written literature review (graded A-F).
MA403Advanced psychology of sport
  • Group assignment written outline with oral presentation during course (approved/not approved)
  • Final examination: One-week individually written literature review (graded A-F).
MA412Specialization course in biomechanics

At the end of the seminar, students will have 14 days to write a 6500-word essay (including bibliography). Essay topics will be drawn amongst those addressed during the seminar. Essays will be graded A to F.

Please note that essays uploaded to Fronter will be submitted to the plagiarism prevention service Ephorus.

MAS449Psychology of sport and physical activity

Part 1: 10 ECTS:

  • Group assignment written outline with oral presentation during course. Approved/not approved.
  • Final examination: One-week individually written literature review. Graded A-F.

Part 2: 5 ECTS:

  • The final exam will be a 14 day written home assignment based on part 1 and part 2. The assignment question will be given, and the paper shall be of no more than 9000 words/20 pages (Times Roman font size 12; line distance = 1.5) + reference list. A graded score will be given, A-F.
MAS EssayResearch project for master exchange studentsIndividual written essay of a maximum of 6000 words not included the table of contents, reference list and possible attachments. The essay will be graded A-F.